Thursday 28 November 2013

D-Day AKA disaster day

So last night was a bit of a disater. I went to the pub to meet a few old school friends, and as i have just moved to the area we tried a pub which was highly recommended. Ft long sausages, my mouth was watering at the thought. They also had amazing looking burgers. I went in thinking right i'm going to have steak with jacket potato and salad. That plan went out the window as soon as i saw the sizzling fajitas being delivered to the table. They were amazing! So instead of the healthy option I went wrong. I know i should say to myself, I must be good, I will be good. I thought sod it, its one night I dont go out very often for a meal so I treated myself.  We also had dessert, the cheesecake was calling me. Very bad of me when I pledged a 3.5lb loss for monday. So i have to be good for the rest of the week now before I get weighed on Monday evening, with a trip to the German Market on Monday during the day. Will I be able to resist the yummy scrummy marshmallows, the crepes, and the pretzels. Probably not! I will see on the day.

Saturday 23 November 2013

My awards

These are the 2 awards i have got so far in my journey.

So Far So Good

I started Slimming World on the 7th October this year. I have now lost a total of 9.5lbs (Yay me!) I know it doesn't seem alot. but to me it does. I have been loosing about 2lbs a week, apart from my holiday when i put 3lbs on. I never have the dedication to get my first stone award. I am determined to do it this time. It is on my christmas to do list. I have decided to do this blog to help me keep on track. I hope to get my first stone award before christmas, this is do able, I have 4.5lbs left to go. I will keep on track. I will do it. I can do it! (My new mantra, which is printed off and stuck on my fridge). 

I started this new way of life (Slimming World is not a diet, its a way of life) because I have had problems with my knees since I was 8 years old. My weight has increased my my knees have got worse. I know if I loose weight the pain willl reduce as there is will be less pressure on them. I am also planning on working towards my body magic awards. I am planning on doing a number of different activities to obtain these awards. 

Good Luck to anyone on Slimming World.
